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College Application Essay Samples

The current debate on the causes of increased rural urban migration has not been able to identify the causes of migration. In order to identify properly the possible causes, students from colleges have been asked to write college application essay samples showing the possible causes of rural urban migration. 
The students are also supposed to give the possible effects of the migration and at the same time think of some possible alternatives. These essays are a form of competition whereby the students who comes up with the best essay is rewarded by being offered a cash price worth more than ten thousand dollars. The students were given an approximately one week to gather all their views together with their evidence and then make their presentation in a public forum conducted at the school. The major cause of migration to urban areas was identified as being the desire for the most of the people to look for employment in the urban centers. 
Most of the people living in the rural areas think that employment opportunities come from the urban areas without considering that even the rural areas can provide some form of employment to the people. For instance, given group of unemployed people can contribute some small capital and start a small business like poultry rearing or bee keeping. This very profitable business can greatly reduce the percentage of people who are unemployed and consequently reduce on the number of people migrating to the urban area. Increased urban migration can cause an increase in crime rate in the city. This specifically results under circumstances where not all the people who migrate to the urban areas are able to secure themselves jobs.